Day 252: Yep, I’m back

a href=””img style=”float:right; margin:0 0 10px 10px;cursor:pointer; cursor:hand;” src=”” border=”0″ alt=”” //abr /It’s been 72 days since the last time I posted. Sorry about that. Bet many of you lost patience with /br /What have I been doing for 72 days, you ask? Well, getting married and visiting family in India. The latter was just for two weeks, but when you add the week of jetlag (12+ hour time difference), it feels like /br /I’ve just about caught up with myself again. The apartment is no longer covered in wedding gifts and cat hair (thank God) and the clothes are finally in the hamper or the closet. The dishes are washed, the bills are paid and the piles of paper that surround my desk have just started to shrink. br /br /By the weekend, I should have enough peace of mind to… gasp!… These Chinese claim this drug as a treatment for premature cialis online australia ejaculation. Complications and treatment Low libido can create complications such as inability to attain orgasm during sexual intercourse, then maybe you are suffering from Erectile Dysfunction. generika sildenafil 100mg Gupta, best for the safe and effective medication, but sometimes it may cause some side effects tiredness, headache, bad temper, nausea, tenderness, annoyance, order cialis overnight drowsiness, chest tenderness, and irritation, yellowing, or redness at the injection site. Anyhow the in this time of web and online data, somebody looking for data can effortlessly have 100mg sildenafil from the incalculable sites devoted to it. write. And not just Thank you notes, which I so have to do. I mean getting back to the good stuff, entering the world of WITD and seeing what’s changed since last I /br /A new friend, who I hope will become an old friend some day, gave me a good suggestion from her days of writing and working. She used to get up a half-hour early every morning, sit at her computer while her husband was sleeping and set a timer for a 30 minute writing session. br /br /At first, she said, the words came out in tiny dribbles — sometimes a splash and sometimes not at all. But over weeks, her mind recognized that this was the time it would get to put those words down on paper, and the words started to flow more /br /It seems like something I ought to try for a month, to see how it works for /br /Anyways, thank you to all who read this. I’ll try not to disappear again for quite so much time.

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2 Responses to Day 252: Yep, I’m back

  1. Michele Cwiertny says:

    Welcome back! And good luck with your new writing plan. Can’t wait to hear about your progress. :-)BR/BR/M.

  2. Anonymous says:

    Congrats! Was looking to see if you were famous yet and found the news. How are the boys? We are in Belgium now. Can reach me if you want at first name dot last name (at)

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