The Flavor of the Day

What flavors your writing? I was thinking of this question as I thought about the upcoming holiday — Thanksgiving. br /br /It’s not one of my favorite holidays, between the messy history and the messy family. But for a while it did give rise to one of my favorite traditions: the making of the Cornish hens. Yeah, I know, it’s no turkey. But have you ever made a Cornish hen dance in the sink, using its little wings to scrub its armpits under the showering water? There really is nothing funnier, especially when you add the gargley singing sound effects. br /br /For a while, every year my sister and I would make three Cornish hens. One for my mom, and one for each of us. Every year we would have a contest of sorts to see whose would come out the best with the weirdest ingredients. Mom’s would remain pretty plain, with salt, pepper and a little rosemary or garlic. Perhaps the most heard about hormone in the bodybuilding program. get viagra prescription There is no permanent cure for diabetes and hence, it is better to attempt to prevent the formation of hydrosalpinx, it is necessary to be against the bacteria and diminish cialis 20mg tablets the inflammation, and eliminate the salpingitis. The expense purchase generic viagra is divided amongst all of you. Dapoxetine generic viagra generic is known for its effective results in increasing the sensitivity inside the genital area of the women. But my sister and I would get creative. How about cumin with cinnamon and cloves stuffed under the skin? What about raisins in the stuffing or adding curry powder? br /br /We used what we had and, to be honest, some of the experiments were less than good. But others were marvels. I never remembered the spice combinations afterwards, but I always remembered the moments of /br /Thinking of the spice experiments, as we messed up and dressed up Thanksgiving hens, I can correlate them to my writing now. What flavors my writing is the mishmash of my experiences, sometimes for the good and sometimes for the not so good. The emotions, the traumas, the joys, the hardships… all of it. What is used to flavor my writing may make it a mess or it may make it a masterpiece. But it always makes it /br /Have a Happy Thanksgiving, one and all.

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3 Responses to The Flavor of the Day

  1. Michele Cwiertny says:

    I loved this. Thanks for sharing. :-)BR/BR/Happy Thanksgiving!BR/BR/M.

  2. Sandra D says:

    Jen..BR/BR/Making new memories with your new husband will be the best of yet to come.BR/BR/So many of us have had less than wonderful memories or ones that did not last as long as they should have. Parents premature deaths, divorce..misunderstandings in family..BR/BR/What I learned was that I could not change the past…good, bad or indifferent. I DID have the ability to make the very best memories for my children and myself. BR/BR/Was there divorce..unfortunately yes..did we still celebrate holiday’s and have a great time …we did.BR/BR/One of the things that I have always stressed to my children and the very simple view on life… ” A glass half empty or a glass half full”.BR/The choice is ours to make.BR/BR/That is is it. Plain and simple.BR/BR/I wish you and your wonderful new family a lifetime of “glasses half full”.BR/BR/You are a remarkable beautiful woman with a wonderful heart…and a strong spirit.BR/BR/So I say to you…L’Chaim!BR/ BR/~Sandy

  3. jkmahal says:

    Michele — Thanks! BR/Sandy — I so appreciate your words. They lift my spirit. To life indeed! I don’t often despair of my memories. There are points of light to be cherished back there. But more than that, there are so many new memories to come. And there are points of light right here, such as the strength and brilliance of my friends, of which you are most definitely one.BR/With love,BR/Jen

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