Tag, I’m It!

There’s a game of Blog Tag being played and I’m now among those who are it. a href=”http://www.michelecwiertny.blogspot.com/”Michele Cwiertny/a tagged me in her blog, Michele’s Corner. Sorry it took me a week to realize I was among the chosen!! I plead ignorance.br /br /The rules of Blog Tag are:br /br /i1. Each player starts with eight random facts/habits about themselves.br /br /2. People who are tagged need to write their own blog about their eight things and post these rules.br /br /3. At the end of your blog, you need to choose eight people to get tagged and list their names.br /br /4. Don’t forget to leave them a comment telling them they’re tagged, and to read your blog./ibr /br /So here goes… b8 Random Facts About Jen Mahal/bbr /br /b1)/b I was awarded a a href=”http://www.conchrepublic.com/fortjef.htm”Conch Republic Citation for Bravery/a in 1995 for accompanying Peter Anderson to Fort Jefferson in a seaplane during rough weather. This was during the Federal Government shutdown and Anderson was there to give the Park Rangers at Fort Jefferson a check from local tour operators in hopes that they’d reopen. I was a reporter for The Key West Citizen at the time. What Peter didn’t know about that plane ride is that I was praying the whole time.br / br /b2)/b My life has common soap opera plot lines running through it: I’m an identical twin, I was once kidnapped by my father, my mother is in a wheelchair and 20 years after we met, I married the boy I fell in love with at age 13.br /br /b3)/b I make a pot of mint tea every day before I sit down to start writing. Avoid consuming over 2 alcohol-based drinks each day; viagra effects women this can also help you prevent an increased prostate. The most effective and cheapest solution to treat erectile dysfunction is to consume drugs that contain viagra canada shipping Sildenafil. These courses are available inside the four walls and still be treated without anyone interference. dentech.co viagra 25 mg All you will have to do is a take a quick appointment with your medical doctor can cheap levitra be a should to ensure that he or she will be more likely to pay attention without friends around. br /br /b4)/b I once had a conversation with a href=”http://www.mandypatinkin.org/”Mandy Patinkin/a that started with the phrase “Can you hear me? Can you hear me now?” He said it, not me, but I swear I thought I was in the middle of a cell phone commercial.br /br /b5)/b a href=”http://www.wopat.com/”Tom Wopat/a is one of my favorite singers. His version of Stephen Sondheim’s “Anyone Can Whistle” brings tears to my eyes. (Yes, that Tom Wopat. a href=”http://www.ocpac.org/about/PressDetail.asp?PressReleaseID=575″Them Duke Boys can carry a tune!/a)br /br /b6)/b Of my two grandfathers, my Indian grandfather is the one who fought in World War II with the Indian/British Army in Burma. My American grandfather joined the Navy between WWI and WWII and managed to do his patriotic duty while skipping the Second World War all together. He was a postmaster.br /br /b7)/b I love to cross stitch, but I don’t do it anymore because my wrists don’t like it and I need them to be happy.br /br /b8)/b I’ve shared not one, but two Vegas to Los Angeles plane rides with a href=”http://www.pennandteller.com/”Teller/a of Penn and Teller. Strangely, the first one was only weeks after I had interviewed him about a book he wrote. He didn’t know who I was, but struck up a conversation with me about Cinnabon, My Man Godfrey and why airport security would almost surely pull him aside (he had a first class, one-way ticket). For a man who doesn’t talk on stage, he can be chatty.br /br /That’s my 8 Random Facts. I think 8 people is a high number to be tagged, so I’m lowering it to four for me. So a href=”http://www.marycastillo.blogspot.com/”Mary Castillo/a, a href=”http://www.thewritersvibe.typepad.com/”Louise Ahern/a, a href=”http://www.claudezilla.wordpress.com/”Claude Chung/a and a href=”http://www.danadiamond.blogspot.com/”Dana Diamond/a, you’re it.

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2 Responses to Tag, I’m It!

  1. Michele says:

    I LOVE your eight things! BR/BR/Mandy Patinkin (been a fan since PRINCESS BRIDE), Tom Wopat (didn’t know he sang), and Teller (big fan of magicians, especially Penn and Teller). BR/BR/How fun. I especially enjoyed your story about Teller…I’d love to sit and casually chat with him for awhile. :-)BR/BR/These were all fantastic! Thanks for playing.BR/BR/M.

  2. Stacy G. says:

    I love your eight things as well! And completely off topic, but since I have no other way to get in touch with you this will have to suffice: Next week I’ll be headed down SD way–specifically our new place in Encinitas! We’ll have to get together once we’re settled in.

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