Like Novel, Like Baby

a onblur=”try {parent.deselectBloggerImageGracefully();} catch(e) {}” href=””img style=”float:right; margin:0 0 10px 10px;cursor:pointer; cursor:hand;” src=”” border=”0″ alt=””id=”BLOGGER_PHOTO_ID_5083868700101607666″ //abr /In honor of the birth of my first niece, Marguerite Ruth a.k.a. Maggie Mae, I thought I’d do a list of five ways in which having a baby is like writing a /br /1. span style=”font-weight:bold;”Babies, like novels, are simultaneously a part of you and yet wholly themselves./span You can see the ways in which you are expressed in a baby (Maggie has her mother’s “pod-like” toes and her father’s grandmother’s eyes) and yet they are not you. Similarly, while you can recognize parts of yourself in the characters you create, they are also not /br /2. span style=”font-weight:bold;”Both babies and novels bring out a fierce protective streak./span Nobody messes with your baby, nobody messes with your book. While you might good-naturedly accept the advice your mother-in-law gives you for the babe and your writing group gives you for the book, at heart you know that you KNOW what’s right, even when you’re willing to accept constructive /br /3. This medication has assisted millions of ED patients viagra generico uk to avail a high quality medicine without any prescription. This approval helped physicians to order cheap viagra implement the drug application in certain conditions that are not defined in the medical guidance. That is buying that cipla generic viagra how the 1,000,000 email addresses come about, whatever the amount is. These were generic levitra uk the most commonly used medications for erectile dysfunction and premature ejaculations diagnosed in male. span style=”font-weight:bold;”You labor to bring both the book and the baby into this world./span Okay, so one is a physical process and the other is a mental process. Both exact their price in blood, sweat and tears (hopefully of joy).br /br /4. span style=”font-weight:bold;”Sometimes you end up with crap on your hands./span It happens with writing (who hasn’t written badly, just to get it out of their system) and it happens with babies. C’est la /br /5. span style=”font-weight:bold;”After labor, you have a baby or a first draft and you’re still not finished! /spanWith the kid, you have a lifetime commitment. With the book, you still have work to do (revisions, the process of publishing, etc.).br /br /Happy One Week Birthday, Maggie Mae.

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One Response to Like Novel, Like Baby

  1. Michele says:

    Number 4 cracks me up! So true.BR/BR/Maggie Mae is beautiful. 🙂

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