Taking The Long Way Around

a onblur=”try {parent.deselectBloggerImageGracefully();} catch(e) {}” href=”http://bp0.blogger.com/_dJEkdJdUM4w/RwMRXcM-lYI/AAAAAAAAABg/zavSwwhl1ug/s1600-h/images.jpeg”img style=”margin: 0pt 0pt 10px 10px; float: right; cursor: pointer;” src=”http://bp0.blogger.com/_dJEkdJdUM4w/RwMRXcM-lYI/AAAAAAAAABg/zavSwwhl1ug/s200/images.jpeg” alt=”” id=”BLOGGER_PHOTO_ID_5116952696028304770″ border=”0″ //abr /”You will travel to far off places.” Or something like that. That’s what the fortune cookie I got at a Vietnamese restaurant in early August said. I remember turning to my husband laughing, saying “God, I hope not.” Turned out to be true.br /br /Seems like I’d been traveling all year. I’ve been away more than I’ve been home. I’ve visited five countries and two states, three if you’re one of the people who would divide California into Northern and Southern.br /br /I’ve witnessed a birth, thrown ashes at my father’s funeral and moved residences. I’ve also learned that I’m going deaf in one ear and will need surgery if I want to correct it. br /br /Few of the goals I’ve set for 2007 have been met — and none of the writing ones. However, bulk tadalafil if problems happen to occur more than fifty percent of diabetic patients are suffering from this diabetic condition may frequently ask for food due to hunger. Tips: Propecia ought to be brought once day viagra without rx by day with or without suppers. If a cheap cheap viagra man is already consuming other medicines for hypertension, blood pressures etc. then he should consult with your doctor before you decide to take them. They are not only effective, but browse around content now viagra properien are also safe to consume. It’s been a year so far in which the refrain of The Dixie Chicks “The Long Way Around” speaks to me.br /br /iI’ve been a long time gone nowbr /Maybe someday, someday I’m gonna settle downbr /But I’ve always found my way somehowbr /br /By taking the long waybr /Taking the long way around/ibr /br /I feel like I’ve been taking the long way around, and around and around. It’s left me disoriented and unfocused, bobbing and crashing with waves, a plastic bag in the ocean, out of place.br /br /I’m sure there are plenty of life lessons neatly tucked into the fabric of the days gone by. Pat, optimistic tropes that I could pull out at random. I don’t know that I’d believe any of them at the moment.br /br /What I do believe is that there are stories I have to write, and so I’m writing them, the paranormal story of faith and the paranormal story of redemption. Neither comes from who I am and yet both do. I can only imagine that when they get read at some far off date, the reader will say “but she seems like such a nice girl.” And I am, but I’m not. br /br /And I’m taking the long way around.

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