Of Difficult Characters and Conferences

a onblur=”try {parent.deselectBloggerImageGracefully();} catch(e) {}” href=”http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_dJEkdJdUM4w/SPYM5N3CPeI/AAAAAAAAAJQ/iUGy7811_xU/s1600-h/9780446699242_388X586.jpg”img style=”margin: 0pt 0pt 10px 10px; float: right; cursor: pointer;” src=”http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_dJEkdJdUM4w/SPYM5N3CPeI/AAAAAAAAAJQ/iUGy7811_xU/s200/9780446699242_388X586.jpg” alt=”” id=”BLOGGER_PHOTO_ID_5257403792114204130″ border=”0″ //aspan style=”font-weight: bold;font-size:180%;” E/spanver read a book and just intensely dislike the main character? In fact you dislike that character so much that, by page 50, you consider putting the book down or throwing it across the room? But then, a few pages later, something changes. There’s a hint that perhaps the character is not as unlikable as the author would have you believe. That maybe there’s more going on beneath the surface than a quick glance would reveal.br /br /When the writing is excellent — as it is in a href=”http://www.janeporter.com/”Jane Porter’s/a iMrs. Perfect/i — you keep reading. At least I kept reading, and I’m ever so glad that I did.br /br /Taylor Young, the protagonist of iMrs. Perfect/i, now joins Rachel Walsh (a href=”http://www.mariankeyes.com/”Marian Keyes’/as iRachel Takes a Holiday/i) and span class=”default”Francesca Day (a href=”http://www.susanephillips.com/”Susan Elizabeth Phillips’s/a iFancy Pants/i) on my list of characters that made me want to quit the book, but who eventually won me over.br /br /At the start of iMrs. Perfect/i, Taylor is a self-involved, shopping-obsessed wife and mother who gives the impression of being materialistic. Regular exercises increase pfizer viagra samples testosterone naturally and boost desire for lovemaking. In the event you try these uncomplicated solutions and still frequently encounter evening sweats, authorities suggest viagra 25mg online scheduling an appointment with their doctor to discuss their options to treat the condition within 20 minutes of intake. Where to Buy Melanotan II There are a few places to buy this popular synthetic peptide, however it’s important that in scientific research studies the peptide obtained brand viagra australia is very good quality. Night Fire capsule is developed using natural aphrodisiacs to viagra online boost semen load and enjoy powerful orgasm every time. She seems more concerned with the appearance of her life than with the quality of her life. By the end, everything you think you know about her has completely changed.br /br /It takes an enormous amount of talent to bring a character like Taylor to life and then bring her both to her knees and back up on her high heels, standing tall.br /br /iMrs. Perfect,/i which I won in a raffle at the a href=”http://www.gsrwa.org/conference.php”Emerald City Writer’s Conference,/a made me want to go out immediately and buy Porter’s other novels.br /br /It also made me wish that Porter had been able to attend the conference. She’s on bedrest for complications during her pregnancy. As a woman who is five months along with a Z-Baby of my own, my heart goes out to her. I wish her and her baby-to-be the best.br /br /Are there characters who have made you want to quit the book? Why did you stick with it?br //span

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2 Responses to Of Difficult Characters and Conferences

  1. Marilyn Shoemaker says:

    Anything Jane writes is wonderful and you really need to get everything….The Frog Prince to date is my favorite because it was her first and I saw so much of myself in that book, it actually was an awakening for me.

  2. Mary Castillo says:

    As a writer, Aggie from Switchcraft made me grind my teeth with frustration. I just wanted to give her a good talking to but then remembered she was in my head. Strange. BR/BR/Anyway, I loved Francesca from page one. I think what won me over was the scene when she’s bitten by another child on the playground. It’s then that I realized she’s just a little soul who has been corrupted by a crazy, self-absorbed mother.BR/BR/However with that said, the one character type I can’t stand is the clueless virgin. You see her mostly in poorly written historicals but occasionally she sneaks her way into a contemporary.

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